Are all good things round?
The planets in space… A pea-shaped candy… The head of a snowman… The holes in the cheese… A molecule… A blueberry. A meatball! The face of a friend…
But what if something else is also good? A square corner, a long straight line, or the pointed crests of waves? Are we able to make up when we quarrel? Why is it sometimes so hard for us to understand the other person? And why is it sometimes, when you are not even expecting it, so very easy…
A production with and about balls or the story about how no matter how upside down things are – as if they were doing a somersault – we can always make them bounce the other way round.
Also recommended
Topsy-Turvy Nothing is the right way, not even upside down. For ages 7+ Ferdinand Hall
Ancient Tales of Reynard the Fox For ages 7+ Small Hall
YLT Production by Renate Keerd for youth and adults. Premiering in February 2021. Ferdinand Hall
Fly, Little Caterpillar A puppet production that tells the story of a butterfly, inviting everyone to explore nature. For ages 3+ u 30 min | Oval Hall